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Sales of FLUKE products in Estados Unidos

Descrição: Fluke Compact PTi120 Pocket Thermal Camera (with factory calibration certificate) or equivalent. Technical Data: IFOV (spatial resolution): 7.6 mRad Infrared resolution: 120 x 90 (10,800 pixels) Field of view: 50° H x 38° V Distance to spot: 130:1 USB: Mini USB used to transfer image to PC Wifi: Yes Touchscreen display: 3.5’’ (landscape), 320 x 240 LCD Thermal sensitivity (NETD): 60 mK Frame rate: 9 Hz

FLUKE produto Estados Unidos PTi120 com melhor preço e o menor prazo de entrega desde 5 anos Estados Unidos e em todo o mundo. FLUKE Estados Unidos ligue ou envie um e-mail para nós.


In order for us to provide a price quotation for this brand, we kindly ask you to provide the end-user information along with your request, as required by the factory.

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